Seattle Public Schools

Curriculum Adoption

2015 Social Studies

Social Studies Curriculum Adoption

正规的棋牌平台排行榜采用了中学(6-8)古代世界历史社会研究课程的教材, World History/Geography, and U.S. History. (华盛顿州历史的教学材料仍然是最新的,不包括在本次采用中.)

An adoption committee recommended the following materials:

  • Sixth-grade world history:  McGraw Hill’s “Discovering Our Past: A History of the World – Early Ages”

  • Seventh-grade world history: Holt McDougal’s “World History: Ancient Civilizations through the Renaissance”

  • Eighth-grade U.S. history: Holt McDougal’s “United States History: Beginnings to 1914”

The recommendation was approved by the School Board in fall of 2015, with materials provided to schools by early 2016.

An adoption committee of more than two dozen teachers, curriculum specialists, 家长和社区成员从2015年3月开始开会,以缩小材料的范围. 在调查了社区并举行了两次单独的公开材料审查期之后, the committee made the recommendations.

Kathleen Vasquez, Literacy and Social Studies Program Manager, reviewed the recommendations with the board’s Curriculum & Instruction Policy Committee in August 2015. 

“我们选择了我们认为最关注不同观点的文本,”她说. That characteristic was identified as a top priority for the community. In fact, Vasquez计划成立另一个以社区为基础的委员会,帮助教师用更广泛的材料补充推荐的文本,以改善多元文化视角的平衡.

推荐的材料为一系列学生提供了补充和支持, including advanced learners. 瓦斯奎兹指出,麦格劳·希尔教材之所以被选为六年级教材,是因为它们能为低年级学生提供更多的支持, 霍尔特被选为七年级和八年级的学生,因为这些材料能提高学生的严谨性.

“We were looking very closely at how the texts allowed the students to analyze, to synthesize, and to question at high levels,” she said. 委员会对霍尔特的《正规的棋牌平台排行榜》配套材料印象深刻, 是什么教会学生在寻找证据的基础上,更仔细地寻找诸如偏见之类的问题.

“We’re calling this ‘disciplinary literacy,’” she said. “How do historians read and write about texts?”

Adoption Process

2015年2月,该地区开始寻找志愿者加入我们的收养委员会, comprising teachers, parents and community members. 委员会的工作于2015年3月开始,第一轮公开材料审查于4月15日结束. The final round ended Friday, June 12. The public reviewed the finalists at five middle school libraries, at the John Stanford Center or online. The timeline below provides information about key, 通过过程中的关键步骤以及关于委员会工作的更多信息.

采用过程的最终目标是选择与华盛顿州社会研究标准以及大学和职业准备预期相一致的最佳教学材料. Additionally, 该地区对特殊正规的棋牌平台排行榜的文化相关性和可及性的承诺, 英语语言学习者(ELL)或高级学习学生将指导和通知选择.

教学材料的过程遵循正规的棋牌平台排行榜的选择 & Adoption of Instructional Materials, Policy No.2015.

Evaluation of Instruction Resources, Round 1
采用委员会审查了每门课程的内容和技能标准, established review criteria for evaluation, considered public review comments, evaluated and rated each text submitted, and made a recommendation for texts. 

Review Process
March 30-April 15:  Public review and comments on submitted materials. 
Seattle Public Schools invited all families, 教职员和社区成员检讨考虑在中学社会研究中使用的教材. This was the first of two rounds of review. 这些意见帮助中学社会学科采用委员会缩小了第二次审查的材料范围.

Materials were reviewed in two ways:

  1. Visit the John Stanford Center 在正常工作时间内亲自查看材料并填写反馈表.
  2. Access the materials online. Our four vendors offered instructions for viewing their materials online, and online surveys collected feedback.

NOTE: 教材采用委员会根据西雅图安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行2015年政策制定了审查标准, OSPI Evaluation of Bias Content in Instructional Materials, Washington State Content Standards, Common Core State Standards for Reading and Writing in History, and the College, Career, & Civic Life Instructional Framework.

Evaluation of Instruction Resources, Round 2

采用委员会广泛评估了缩小的教学材料清单,并选择它们进入第二轮, the final round. Additionally,committee members sought additional input from colleagues and students, continued to review community input, 并努力达成共识,为古代史和世界历史/地理(6年级和7年级)推荐最佳的社会研究教学材料。, and U.S. History (grade 8).

我们邀请公众就区域中学展出的社会研究教材的精简清单进行检讨和提供意见. 评审表格在正常上课时间可在主办中学图书馆获得.
June 2 – June 18:  Regional public viewing of narrowed list of materials
Late June:

教学材料委员会接受了由采纳委员会提交的最终社会研究教学材料选择,以供流程批准,并将建议提交董事会介绍和行动. Upon School Board approval, 购买教学材料,教师的专业发展也将随之进行.
Aug. 11: 校董会课程及教学委员会检讨最终选择,以供校董会采取行动
Sept. 9: School Board introduction
Sept. 23:  School Board action
Oct. 5 – Jan. 4: Professional Development for teachers

Adoption Committee Information

The adoption committee included teachers,家长/监护人和社区成员,他们可以提供宝贵的见解和观点,以供审查的教学材料. 委员会要求家长和社区成员保持开放的心态, a passion about student learning in social studies, and a willingness to engage in inquiry, meaningful dialogue and collaboration throughout the adoption process.

Committee Members

  • Ruthann Allen, Middle School Social Studies, Advanced Learning, Eckstein 
  • 邦妮·安德森,中学社会研究,SpEd, ELL,汉密尔顿国际
  • Kevin Baker, M.Ed, PTA, African American Male Think Tank, Community
  • 芭芭拉比尔斯,中学社会研究,SpEd, ELL,高级学习,惠特曼
  • 艾琳·贝尔卡,中学社会研究,SpEd, ELL,高级学习,华盛顿
  • Devin Branson, Middle School Social Studies, Aki
  • Maggie Branson, Middle School Social Studies, Aki
  • 莎娜·布朗,中学社会研究,高级学习,Broadview-Thomson K-8
  • Deneen Evans, Middle School Social Studies, Advanced Learning, Eckstein
  • Katlin Hayes, Middle School Social Studies, SpEd, Salmon-Bay 
  • Gail Herman, JAMS PTSA Steering Committee, District Task Forces (Capacity and Demographics, Advanced Learning Program, HC Services Advisory), Parent JAMS/APP@Lincoln
  • Savannah Holman, Middle School Social Studies, Jane Addams Middle
  • Jonathan Hughes, Middle School Social Studies, Madrona K-8
  • Rena Konomis, Parent/Community, Harambee Cultural Society, Parent/Orca K-8
  • Mike Kreiger, Middle School Social Studies, Aki
  • Laura Lehni, Middle School Social Studies, SpEd, Advanced Learning, Washington
  • S. 摩根麦克唐纳,中学图书管理员,中学社会研究,HCC,汉密尔顿国际
  • Janine Madaffari, 6-12 Curriculum Specialist, Advanced Learning, JSCEE
  • Ellen Nevitt, Middle School Social Studies, High School Social Studies, SpEd, ELL, Advanced Learning, Eckstein
  • Christopher Quigley, Middle School Social Studies, South Shore K-8
  • Patrice Robinson, Registrar/Parent, Jane Addams Middle School
  • Rob Rose-Leigh, Middle School Social Studies, SpEd, ELL, Washington Middle
  • Keri Rotton, Middle School Social Studies, ELL, Hazel Wolf K-8
  • 安·斯威夫特,麦迪逊高级学习中学社会研究副校长
  • Elizabeth Urmenita, ELL & International Programs, SpEd, ELL, JSCEE
  • Hilary Workman, Middle School Social Studies, Advanced Learning, Madison
  • John Zilavy, B.A. 历史,海外教学/志愿者经历,Futurewise法律总监,家长/华盛顿

Contact information:
Kathleen Vasquez, Literacy and Social Studies Program Manager

Contact Us

Kathleen Vasquez
Literacy and Social Studies Program Manager